sâmbătă, 21 martie 2009

Iarna in luna lui Martie

Iesire Valea Cernei-21.03.2009


My Rainbow.:X

............pe aripi de vântîn culori de curcubeu...........eternitatea......
Culori inmiresmate in iubire,
taceri din miere, fagure de dor
ramai si te-oi iubi cum se cuvine
in miile de soapte si culori....:X
......Lumina ascunde infinite culori în miezul ei de strălucire. Culori fantastice, negândite de nicio minte omenească.

vineri, 20 martie 2009

Stay with me...:X

Raindrops, fall from, everywhere
I reach out, for you, but your not there
So I stood, waiting, in the dark
With your picture, in my handsstory of a broken heart

Stay with me
Don't let me go
Cause I can't be without you
Just stay with me
And hold me close
Because I've built my world around you
And I don't wanna know what's it like
Without you
So stay with me
Just stay with me

I'm trying and hoping, for the day
When my touch is enough
To take the pain away
Cause I've searched for so long
The answer is clear
We'll be OK if we don't let it disappear

I've searched my heart over
So many many times
No you and I, is like no stars to light the sky at night
Our picture hangs out of tune
Remind me of the days
You promised me we'd always
And never go away
That's why I need you to stay

I need you to stay with me :X And you know it :X

vineri, 13 martie 2009

Love Song

I've never written a love song

That didn't end in tears.

Maybe you'll rewrite my love song

If you can replace my fears.

I need your patience and guidance

And all your lovin' and more.

When thunder rolls through my life

Will you be able to weather the storm?

There's so much I would give ya, baby

If I'd only let myself.

There's this well of emotions

I feel I must protect.But what's the point of this armor

If it keeps the love away, too?

I'd rather bleed with cuts of love

Than live without any scars.

Baby, can I trust this?Or do all things end?

I need to hear that you'll die for me

Again and again and again.

So tell me when you look in my eyes

Can you share all the pain and happy times.

'Cause I will love you for the rest of my life.

This is my very first love song

That didn't end in tears.

I think you re-wrote my love songfor the rest of my years.

I will love you for the rest of my life.

I don`t believe you

Please came and say:
I don't mind it
I don't mind at all
It's like your the swing set and I'm the kid that falls
It's like the way we fight, the times I've cried, we came to blows
And everynight the passions there so it's gotta be right, right?

No I don't believe you
When you say don't come around here no more
I want to remind you
You said we wouldn't be apart
No, I don't believe you
When you say you don't need me anymore
So don't pretend
To not love me at all
I don't mind it
I still don't mind at all
It's like one of those bad dreams when you can't wake up
Looks like your given up you've had enough
But I want more no I won't stop'cause
I just know you'll come around
Just don't stand there and watch me fall'cause I,
'cause I still don't mind at all
It's like the way we fight, the times I cry, we come to blows
And everynight the passions there so it's gotta be right, right?

duminică, 8 martie 2009

Viata merge mai departe

O lacrima trista se usuca sub pleoape

Si-un dor nespus de buze uscate

Prin sufletul rupt ghicesti ca e noapte

Dar tu m-ai invatat sa merg mai departe

Mi-as fi dorit sa fie un vis

Dar e real, e crud, drumul tau s-a inchis

Tu mi-ai aratat cum sa merg mai departe

M-ai citit si m-ai scris ca pe-o carte

Dar lipsa ta inca doare

Tu - amintire si dulce si-amara

Tu esti prima si ultima oara

Si fara tine nu mai am nici culoare, nici zambet, nici soare

Adancuri ce-au fost atinse de tine

Si-aud rasul tau din trecut, vorbe dulci, suspine

Ecouri ma dor sa trec peste toate

Caci tu m-ai invatat sa merg mai departe

Focul de ieri aproape s-a stins

Insa traiesc, rezist ... asa cum ti-am promis

Tu mi-ai aratat cum sa merg mai departe

Focul de ieri aproape s-a stins

Insa traiesc, rezist ... asa cum ti-am promis

duminică, 1 martie 2009

Stari .... ciudate... Mesaje... si versuri...si atat...dau pagina inca odata

Te-a inselat barbatu`? Inseala-l si tu pe el ... spune-i ca nu i-ai atins niciodata prietenu` . ...
Promit ca atunci cand ai sa mori ... ma voi uita in jos la cadavrul tau si o sa rad cu lacrimi
de fapt mai bine ..nu ..sa nu'ti vad ochii verzi.. de fapt ..poate imi lacrimeaza de la fum ..si imi caut cuvintele prin geanta acum
Esti mort si ingropat la 2 m sub pamant . Esti trecut ...
Prietena ta e o TARFA pt ca ma-sa a fost tarfa .pt ca ma-sa lu`ma-sa a fost tarfa . Tarfe de strada ... subiecte de barfa ....
10 mii de prostii, As face pentru tine dac-ai stii. As fura, as rapi, Lumea-n lanturi as opri. ...
He tastes like you ... only sweeter . Gambling with the Devil .
dezamagitor . oameni falsi prea multi si mi se cere mie sa fiu sincera si sa am incredere si sa iert ...
Stii ca viatza e ca zaru`...se rostogoleshte ... Cine e mai slab...ala se parleshte! Baby ... u got served !
I'm your favourite drug ... just one hit is never enough .